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If elephants could write down their memories, they'd use their trunks. The Trunk is a collection of articles with advice on learning languages, writing, and communicating better in English.

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It took a while, but reading in another language finally became fun.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Can you ask more complicated questions in the language you’re learning without pausing, stumbling or struggling?


Category: Language Learning Tips

Coaching clients often grumble about the fact they always use the same words when they’re speaking.


Category: Language Learning Tips

What do people say about learning a language when they’re older?


Category: Language Learning Tips

Is it possible to learn a language when you’re older?


Category: Language Learning Tips

Janet had been feeling stuck learning te reo Māori for a while


Category: Language Learning TipsNews

What do people say about learning a language when they’re older?


Category: Language Learning Tips

According to George Bernard Shaw, "Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery – it's the sincerest form of learning”.


Category: Language Learning TipsWriting in English

Brushing up language skills can help preserve family history for future generations.


Category: Language Learning Tips

You’ve perhaps heard of the paint by numbers method to improve picture painting skills. You can also use numbers to boost language learning.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Should boredom ever strike your language learning routine, here’s a creative and fun way to re-ignite the spark.


Category: Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning TipsWriting in English

What do people say about learning a language when they’re older?


Category: Language Learning Tips

Communicating clearly and confidently at work is the goal for many international speakers of English.


Category: Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips

The older Julia got, the more she wondered about her mysterious maternal grandmother.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Whether you’re starting out or whether you’re stuck, you can get moving on your language learning journey via 4 easy steps.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Whether you’re starting out or whether you’re stuck, you can get moving on your language learning journey via 4 easy steps.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Whether you’re starting out or whether you’re stuck, you can get moving on your language learning journey via 4 easy steps.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Whether you’re starting out or whether you’re stuck, you can get moving on your language learning journey via 4 easy steps.


Category: Language Learning Tips

What do people say about learning a language when they’re older?


Category: Language Learning Tips

Can you keep up your language skills even though you’re focused on a vital venture like a new baby or a new job?


Category: Language Learning Tips