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Ready to roll your English in retirement?

Pascale’s a recently retired French engineer starting the next chapter in her life.

She’s going to redesign the garden at her weekend cottage, improve her chocolate-making skills, try yoga and possibly bridge or perhaps sailing.

As well, she’s signed up to help high school students struggling with their science and maths homework.

Having been avid golfers for nearly 10 years, Pascale and her husband have also been dreaming of their golfing holiday in New Zealand. Three magical months meandering from golf course to golf course in a camper van. Discovering different greens, meeting new people, enjoying the sights.

The trip was due to tee off in the upcoming southern summer. Now, it’s had to be put off.

How disappointing.

But then Pascale came up with a plan.

At work she had to use English to communicate with her European project partners. Which went ok, though she never felt comfortable.

Yet Pascale didn’t have the time, energy or enthusiasm to do something about it.

Now she does.

Pascale’s decided to polish her English so she can:

  • Understand people more easily
  • Speak more smoothly
  • Stop translating in her head
  • Read books without looking up so many words
  • Rely less on subtitles when watching TV in English
  • Get to grips with those pesky points that’ve always tripped her up

Best of all, Pascale’s getting her English rolling without a grammar book.

She’s excited about becoming a more confident user of English.

For entertainment, for enjoyment, for herself.

And to impress her husband when they finally get to New Zealand.

Curious about how to polish your English without a grammar book?

Email me for a free taster of how we can work together to painlessly get your English moving.

© Christina Wielgolawski