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5 questions for a health professional about writing in English

What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?

Verena is a breathwork practitioner in Germany who wants to write blog posts in English to attract foreign clients.

  1. How do you feel about writing in English?
    I find writing in English is a good challenge and also a lot of fun.

  2. What’s the hardest thing about writing in English?
    It still takes a long time to find the words to express exactly what I mean.

  3. How do you overcome this?
    I email my draft to my English coach and she makes corrections and suggestions how to express myself in a more natural way.

  4. What are your writing goals?
    I want to write an ebook about breathwork in German and English.

  5. What’s your advice for others who need to write in English?
    I find feedback from my coach is very useful as it helps me to notice the nuances in writing and speaking. Her tips to speed up writing have helped me too.

See what other health professionals say about writing in English here, here and here.

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© Christina Wielgolawski