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If elephants could write down their memories, they'd use their trunks. The Trunk is a collection of articles with advice on learning languages, writing, and communicating better in English.

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People who are thinking of travelling soon are brushing up their language skills.


Category: Language Learning Tips

If you could solve one issue you’re always uncertain about when using English, what would it be?


Category: Common English ConfusionsLanguage Learning Tips

What do people say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?


Category: Writing in English

When you re-read what you’ve written in English, do you ask yourself:


Category: Language Learning TipsWriting in English

When I write in German or French, I’m much slower than when I write in English.


Category: Language Learning TipsWriting in English

We use idioms every day to express common beliefs.


Category: Common English ConfusionsHealthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips

When you watch movies or listen to songs in English, are there famous lines or favourite quotes that stick in your mind?


Category: Common English ConfusionsLanguage Learning Tips

Still hesitating whenever these popular pesky points pop up:


Category: Common English ConfusionsLanguage Learning Tips

What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?


Category: Healthcare EnglishWriting in English

Is it hard to grab attention in work conversations?


Category: Healthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips

The trend to using less and less punctuation doesn’t mean you don’t need any at all.


Category: Common English ConfusionsWriting in English

What do health pros say about speaking in English when it’s not their first language?


Category: Healthcare EnglishNews

Sometimes, spinning our wheels is all we can do.


Category: Language Learning Tips

These three pairs of words look like they should be opposites, but are they?


Category: Common English ConfusionsHealthcare English

What do health professionals say about writing in English when it’s not their first language?


Category: Healthcare EnglishWriting in EnglishNews

Looking for effective exercises to energise your English?


Category: Language Learning Tips

I think I’ve put that tricky French phrase together pretty well.


Category: Language Learning Tips

Every day, there’s so much going on and so much to get right.


Category: Language Learning TipsNews

Want to be sure you’ve grasped the meaning and can get the same message across?


Category: Language Learning Tips

People often hesitate when they have to decide between these two words.


Category: Common English ConfusionsHealthcare EnglishLanguage Learning Tips