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Want better results from your DIY language learning?

Learning a language on your own can be fun and flexible … but also frustrating.

When you start any DIY project – like building a table, renovating your apartment or creating a garden – you’re enthusiastic and ready to give it your all.

Some stuff works and you feel satisfied with the results.

Other stuff doesn’t work. But you don’t know why not.

You’re stumped and unsure what to do next.

You could keep muddling through alone or search YouTube again or ask friends.

Or you can find a mentor.

An expert to talk stuff over with and to bounce ideas off. Someone to give you tips, advice and encouragement.

For your DIY language project, mentoring means personalised guidance to help you learn better on your own terms.

For example, weekly online mentoring sessions can help an English teacher in a non-English speaking country who wants to keep improving her language skills and who also wants to talk about tricky issues that come up in her classroom.

Mentoring can help a German doctor who’s learning Spanish but whose crazy hours make it difficult for him to attend regular classes. He can stay in touch via email to plan what learning tasks he’s going to do in the coming week based on his current schedule.

Mentoring can help an engineer who’s taken time off from German courses while she’s busy finding her feet in a new company. Text messages and catch-ups over coffee – online or in person – ensure she doesn’t lose the German skills she’s worked hard to gain.

When a mentor has your back, you can more easily keep your independent language learning on track, speed up your progress and reach your goals more quickly.

Need support to set up and stick to your DIY language project? I can help.

© Christina Wielgolawski