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Keeping a notebook can help to speed up writing.

Having lost so many ideas and quotes, I’ve gone back to using a writing notebook.

I’m sitting there writing away and once more I have the feeling that not so long ago I heard or read just the right quote or expression that would now fit so well and make my text so much better.

I wrack my brains, lose at least 10 minutes trying to recall the magic words or where I might have come across them, but nope, they’re gone, for good, again.

And now my writing flow is broken so I’m even more frustrated.

But not anymore.

These days whenever I come across an inspiring quote or a handy turn of phrase or a great idea pops into my mind, I speak it or jot it into my phone.

Then every few days I transfer what I still find valuable to the back of my notebook and highlight some key words so I can quickly find the note when I need it. It’s now safe.

At the front of my notebook is where I do my active copying and speedwriting. When I reread what I’ve written I might pick out some useful expressions and put them in the back of the notebook too.

For me, doing this by hand works better as writing it down helps me to remember that something is there and my memory is more easily jogged when I’m writing.

So if you’re not using a writing notebook to capture all those brilliant thoughts and phrases that come and go during the day, then why not try it out.

And if you’re using a writing notebook, I’d love to hear your hints.

© Christina Wielgolawski