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Brainstorm using all your languages

While translating when writing is not a good idea, multilingual brainstorming is definitely worth doing.

Last time we talked about why not to translate during the writing phase.

But drawing on all your languages in the earlier brainstorming phase is a different story.

The brain likes to make connections and seems to more easily remember what is related, so the last thing we want to do while brainstorming is limit our thinking to English only.

In other words, take advantage of ideas and expressions that may come in other languages.

How can we get these ideas out?

Perhaps because we don’t think in straight lines, creating a mindmap is one way of brainstorming that works for many people.

Mindmaps can be done on paper with the topic set in the middle and ideas and expressions radiating out using lots of colours and even pictures. Or they can be generated using mindmapping apps.

And remember, if something pops into your mind in your mother tongue, no problem – just note it down in whatever language and keep brainstorming until you run out of ideas (or the timer goes off).

Then it’s time to organise your ideas and figure out how to best say in English what you’ve jotted down in other languages. Do this now before starting to write, which you should do in English.

Have you tried multilingual brainstorming? I’d love to hear your experiences or questions.

© Christina Wielgolawski