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5 questions for a language learner in later life

What do people say about learning a language when they’re older?

Don has been brushing up his German skills since last year to prepare for an upcoming trip to Europe with his wife.

  1. How do you feel about learning German?
    I’m enjoying it. It’s not as frustrating as I thought it was going to be. I feel I’m making progress slowly but surely.

  2. What’s the hardest thing about learning German?
    At the beginning it was vocabulary but now it’s listening. I know the individual words when I hear them but it’s hard to catch them when everything rolls together.

  3. How do you overcome this?
    suggested some podcasts such as the slow news and I’m listening several times a day. I think that’s helping because I know the general idea so can focus on recognising the words.

  4. What are your goals?
    I want to be really good at asking questions because we’re going to visit my wife’s relatives in Austria and I want to record her elderly aunt talking about family history and stories.

  5. What’s your advice for older people who want to learn a language?
    Try it! You’ll be surprised that it’s not as difficult as you think.

Read more about learning a language in later life here and here.

And for an update on Don, read here.

And if you’re not sure how to start brushing up or picking up a language, email me and I can help.

© Christina Wielgolawski