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5 questions for a health professional about speaking in English

What do health pros say about speaking in English when it’s not their first language?

Miko is from Japan and works as a counsellor for seniors in a retirement village. 

  1. How do you feel about speaking in English?
    I feel ok speaking English. But when I notice that I’ve made mistakes, I don’t like that. So I want to get better.

  2. What’s the hardest thing about speaking in English?
    I often don’t know the precise word that I need and this makes my speaking slower.

  3. How do you overcome this?
    I’m trying to read more in English. My English coach recommended books by therapists where they talk about their patients’ stories. That’s really interesting and helpful.

  4. What are your speaking goals?
    I want to speak English more fluently.

  5. What’s your advice for others who need to speak in English?
    Since I’ve been meeting my English coach, I feel more confident speaking English. We role play conversations with clients, which is very useful. And she gives me feedback and suggests how to say things better. So find a coach to work with.

And for more tips on speaking, see here, here, and here.

Do you want to improve your speaking for work quickly? I can help you.

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© Christina Wielgolawski